History of the organisation
The Institute of Social Activities and Practices is an actively developing organization that has managed for more than 20 years to establish its identity as an organization that combines theory with practice, knowledge with real support for children and families at risk.
Institute of Social Activities and Practices specializes in developing research, conducting training and providing professional support to professionals in the helping professions.
Since 2008, the concept of support has been based on the Resilience Approach. In 2010, the Institute started to provide training and methodological support based on the Resilience Approach to social teams in Bulgaria and abroad for the last few years.
Some of the most important studies conducted by the Institute and influencing policies for the protection of children and their rights are: the "National Representative Study of Attitudes towards Foster Care in Bulgaria", 2007; "National Comparative Study on Sexual Abuse of Children in Residential Institutions", 2010; "Study of the System for Prevention of Behaviour of Children in Conflict with the Law in Two Regions of the Country", 2014.
In its development, the organization has managed to protect a high image as a provider of social services for children and families at risk. In 2003, it opened the first Family Support Centre in the country in partnership with a French institute for social work, which continues its activities in Gabrovo. Since 2005 it has been managing the Social Services Complex in Gabrovo. Since 2005 in the town of Shumen, since 2011 in the town of Gdansk. Since 2008, in 2011, in Vidin, in 2008, in Sofia, in Sofia. Since 2007 he has been developing child-friendly justice practices, and in 2008 he opened the first "blue room" - a special room for interrogation and hearing of children for the needs of justice. The experience of ISDP has been followed by various state and local structures and today there are more than 30 of them.
Since 2015, children's advocacy and support centres for children victims of violence or witnesses of crime and their families "Zona ZaKrila" and specialised services for children in conflict with the law have been piloted.
The team of ISDP conducts numerous national and inter-national researches, primarily in the field of violence against children and its prevention, develops methodological materials, publishes manuals on good practices, conducts trainings in Bulgaria and in other countries on modern social work with children and families at risk.
Her projects have been supported by EU programmes, UNICEF, UNDP, OAK Foundation, operational programmes in Bulgaria.