Revis - 4th elementary school

Revis - 4th elementary school "Professor John Atanasov" in Sofia

"It is important for a person to apologize when they realize that with his actions he hurts a classmate," said a student in one of the classes at the 4th elementary school "Professor John Atanasov" in Sofia. Young people take part in the activities of the Revis project and with enthusiasm talk about their impressions of the discussed topics and exercises carried out with them. The opportunity to think and talk about the topic of social norms in the school society helped them to put themselves "in others shoes" and helped them to start looking at the same situation from a different point of view.

The young people's vision, supported by a school team, is to create positive change in terms of trust between children and significant adults. The weakened trust relationship is a trend that has been observed for years. Often students face the same difficulties but don't feel comfortable to talk about them. The creation of the Confidence Box is the new project developed by the children and aims to provide an opportunity for every child to express their opinion or seek help and support in a case that concerns them. All of this will happen absolutely anonymously, the letters will be shared with a team of trained student volunteers at the school in partnership with the school psychologist. Each letter will be individually examined and discussed, and on a certain day of the week the team's response will be posted on specially installed cork boards. Three locations in the school are already planned where the box and boards will be installed. The main idea is to keep everyone who sends their "letter of confidence" confidential.

The idea is already underway, the necessary materials have been procured, the cork boards have been installed and there are already the first requests from students to join the volunteer team, who together help create a positive school environment where children have the opportunity to reduce tension , sharing their problems and finding solutions to misunderstandings, as this is also an effective method of preventing aggressive behavior.

The school team implementing the Revis project initiatives says that with this idea, they hope that students will feel more included in school life, that empathy will increase in children and thus contribute to the continuity and development of good practices in the school.