Sexual abuse of children from the residential care institutions
The project is financed by the European commission according to Daphne III // JLS\2007\DAP-1\178-30-CE-0229207\00-68
SAPI is coordinator and the partners are: Foundation „Nobody's children" – Poland, Centre Amelipe – Bulgaria, ARSIS - Greece, Dardezde Centre – Lithuania, Children support Centre – Latvia.
The project duration is 24 months, beginning December 2008.. The project objective is to study the boundaries and the impact of the phenomenon sexual abuse of children residing in residential care institutions in the countries of the European Union. The sexual abuse of children, residing in institutions, has different mechanisms and manifestations of sexual violence on the part of the peer children as well as on the part of the residential care institution's staff and also from external individuals, which can have an easy access to the children from the institutions, in order to make them part of different forms of sexual abuse. A survey and analyze of the current situation in countries of the European union and partners in the project are planned , who will study the phenomenon of sexual abuse of children in institutions, in order to give further information and comprehension of the essence of the problem, mechanisms for its realization and for the consequences on children living in residential care institutions.
Project amount: 355218 EUR