Mission and goals
We are a community of experts in helping children and families who combine theory and practice. We provide social services for children at risk and their families as a state delegated activity. We pilot new support practices based on knowledge and high expertise.
We work to professionalize social work practice with children and families by:
- developing new models, conducting scientific and applied research;
- researching our experience and communicating it to the professional community;
- disseminating new knowledge and skills, supporting professional development by sharing and reflecting on our own experience.
We understand helping as treating people well, supporting them in their human rights, and empowering them to cope with life's difficulties.
We achieve our mission by:
Enhancing the quality of the services we provide and developing new holistic services that address the complex needs of our clients (social service providers, local authorities, representatives of the justice, education and health systems) to develop their capacity to support, accompany, educate and care for children and families.
We are developing the capacity of the organisation to deliver a holistic package of services to assess the quality of social and integrated services for children and families and interventions to support the teams delivering them
We research and study the phenomenon of resilience in people who have experienced traumatic events and apply an approach based on this phenomenon to conceptualize helping, child abuse prevention, and separation prevention for children and families.