The Institute of Social Activities and Practices is a non-profit association registered for public benefit under the LSSA of 2001.

Institute of Social Activities and Practices (SAPI) is a non-profit association since 2001, a civil organization, an association of professionals working for the development in our country of modern psycho-social and social-pedagogical work, social services, best practices of professional support for children and families. To this end, ISDP contributes to the development of the capacity of professionals, to the analysis and data-based development of activities, practices based on a clear reference theoretical framework.

SAPI is one of the actors in the development of a modern child protection system, of community-based social services for children and families at risk, as well as for the introduction of child-friendly justice.

The SAPI team brings together researchers, lecturers in higher education institutions, in the field of continuing education, professionals from the practice of social services, psychotherapeutic work, justice for children. The team continuously researches, reflects, analyses and shares its professional experience and knowledge with the professional community.


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За социални работници и специалисти

Ако детето Ви е свидетел или жертва на насилие/престъпление или е заподозряно/обвинено за извършител

Ако детето Ви е свидетел или жертва на насилие/престъпление или е заподозряно/обвинено за извършител

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Ако детето Ви има проблеми с поведението, затруднения в училище, преминава през криза

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Ако сте в процес на раздяла с партньора и имате въпроси за влиянието на раздялата върху детето...

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