Policy for Internal Child Protection
The Internal Child Protection Policy expresses the Institute's understanding of social activities and practices that all forms of abuse / abuse and exploitation of children are unacceptable.
The purpose of the protection policy is to ensure the safety of children who have contact with the organization in the implementation of its projects, programs, provision of services, implementation of various activities.
Essentially, this policy is a set of standards that define our core principles, organization, ethics, and rules of conduct, communication, and partnership, which ensure that we make every effort to prevent any form of work in our work. violence, exploitation or neglect of a child.
Through our internal protection policy, we express our conviction that it is necessary to take measures to protect families from people who would seek opportunities to gain their trust and provide access to young children through the organization's activities. The likelihood of employees, donors, or partners committing acts of abuse / violence against children is taken seriously by our organization, and is committed to working to prevent them.
The protection of the child is a responsibility of the whole organization as well as of every member, employee or volunteer. All staff are aware of the need to integrate child protection into all our activities. Relationships with anyone found to be engaged in abuse / abuse and exploitation of children will be terminated.
The full text of the Internal Child Protection Policy, as well as the supplementary documents thereto, are available as attachments to the publication.