Attitude on the new law for child protection

Attitude on the new law for child protection

Recommendations for improving the draft of the new law

We categorically do not accept the opinion of the MLSP that justice for children has no connection with social work and we also believe that experts who bring this understanding to bear responsibility.

1.  Procedures

We believe that in addition to PPC, changes should be offered to the Ministry of Interior Act in respect of the interview, access to legal assistance and ways and responsibilities of informing children and their families about their rights. The current practice of "legal statement" and "taking of evidence" creates great opportunities for abuse of power and violation of the rights of minors, especially those without adequate parental care.

With regard to the judge for minors - should anticipate changes in PZ child so that he can implement as disciplinary measures and measures PZ child and youth and their parents. (…)

2. Implementation of the corrective measures

We believe that the National Service for educational support should be professional structure to the SACP with sufficient expertise and of course with functions to coordinate and involve all relevant ministries and agencies.(…)


3. Competence of the workers in the new structures

We firmly believe that it is necessary to develop minimum standards of competence of all who have commitments in the implementation of this law and trainings are oriented to achieve these competencies, not at all. To be effective training of competences should constitute professional profile and job descriptions of the professionals.

Social Activities and Practices Institute stands ready to contribute to the reform of the justice for children with manifestations in conflict with the law through training, methodological materials and our experience. Also we declare a desire to participate in the working group to develope the concept, philosophy and programs of the new services.