Smack-free home for every child

Smack-free home for every child


Smack-free home for every child, №JUST/2009/DAP3/AG/112,within the DAPHNE Programme financed by EC



The corporal punishment is forbidden in two of project`s countries: Bulgaria and Latvia, while Poland and Lithuania are still working to announce full prohibition. In Bulgaria, despite the exiexisting ban on corporal punishment, about 50% of respondents think that Bulgarian children experience corporal punishement in their home environment.

Despite differences in legal situation between these countries, it is clear that in all project states there is a need to promote non-violent, positive, participatory methods of childrearing and education. The EU also suggests that in these countries a comprehensive study should be conducted to assess the causes, nature and extent of corporal punishment  as well as evaluation of the impact of measures undertaken so far by the state parties to reduce and eliminate corporal punishment. The recommendations state also that measures to raise awareness on the harmful effects of corporal punishment should be developed with a view to changing the general attitude towards this practice and promote positive, non-violent, participatory forms of childrearing and education.



The overall goal is to raise awareness of parents of young children (aged 0-3) on the negative consequences of corporal punishment and any other cruel behavior towards young children in home environment and to enhance their practical knowledge on positive discipline methods. The overall objective will be reached by direct multi-channel work with parents (workshops, educational materials, educational film – e-learning, website, awareness raising campaign) and by training professionals working with parents and equipping them with practical educational tools (workshop scenario, ready-to-use educational materials, workshops, examples of good practices). To maximize the effect, lobbying   activities to government bodies will be conducted, to include the results of the project in social policies implemented at local, regional and national level.

The project will build on the achievements elaborated and knowledge gathered during Daphne project "Respect works out!"



  • parents of children under 3 years old as well as parents who are expecting their babies;
  • parents at risk of child abuse (for various reasons: social exclusion, addiction, financial hardship, past experience of violence, etc.);
  • professionals who work with parents: in particular from health services and social services;
  • policy makers and decision-makers - all governmental bodies which are responsible for policy towards families.




The first step of the project will be an expertise on young child protection system in each partner country, its gaps and possible malfunctions.


Another step will concern preparing multi-channel activities aimed at raising awareness of parents of young children an and  enhancing their knowledge on harmful effects of corporal punishment. In Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria a media campaign about positive discipline methods will be held (adapted from the Polish campaign held in 2009). TV and radio spots as well as poster adverts will give us opportunity to target a large number  of parents of children under 3 years old. 


During two years of the present project professionals will have an opportunity to participate in train the trainers program. Professionals who will participate in this educational event will be able to run workshops for parents in their local communities and train other professionals, which will maximize the effect of the project .


For parents, leaflets and brochures about positive parenting will be prepared adopted to each country reality, including  such titles as "How to raise a child without smacking?", "What every beginning parent should know".These publications will be distributed across countries via networks which each of project partner organization has. Also a short educational film "Without smacking. How to raise your children with love and  respect" will be prepared as e-learning module for parents.


A good occasion for sharing good practices in regard to parents education on upbringing without corporal punishment  will can be constituted by national seminars and international conferences. The booklet will contain information about the best practices and guidelines on how to create child and parent-friendly community.