Promis 2 - protection of child victims of crime

Promis 2 - protection of child victims of crime

The Social Activities and Practices Institute participates in the international project PROMIS 2 (2017-2019) in which several European countries strengthen their multidisciplinary and inter-ministerial cooperation to ensure that child victims and witnesses of violence have access to the Barnacus service, and can benefit from a child-friendly, professional and effective response in a safe environment. The child's rights to be protected, supported and heard without being exposed to the risk of re-traumatization are essential for Barnacus.

PROMIS 2 encourages progress at national level in several European countries. It aims to ensure ownership of key bodies by facilitating dialogue between different stakeholders in national strategic round tables, as well as developing plans and roadmaps, inter-agency agreements and frameworks. It also aims to contribute to building competent and committed staff, including law enforcement, judicial, medical and psychiatric healthcare professionals, psychologists and social workers.

The vision of Project PROMIS 2 is a Europe that respects the human rights of children for protection against violence, support and hearing.

At present, child victims and witnesses of violence in Europe are protected through interventions adapted to children and rapid access to justice and care based on the following basic principles:

1. Respect the right to child participation by ensuring that he / she is heard and receives adequate information and support for the exercise of this right;

2. Multidisciplinary and inter-ministerial cooperation during investigations, procedures, diagnosis and needs assessments and provision of services in order to avoid victimization and ensure results that are of best interest to the child;

3. Comprehensive and affordable services that meet the individual and complex needs of the child and his / her family or guardians who are not violent;

4. Provide high professional standards, training and sufficient resources for employees working with witnesses and / or victims of violence.


The European Barnacus Movement

The European Barnacus Movement was launched in June 2017 in the presence of EU Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Rights Vera Yurova and the UN Special Representative on Violence against Children Martha Santos Pais.

The launch of the movement confirms that Barnachus is a good practice, confirmed the Barnacus model as a widely accepted concept and strengthened Barnacus' European network of staff and interested government officials and practitioners.

PROMIS 2 is committed to introducing and managing child-directed, multidisciplinary and rights-based services for child victims and witnesses of violence. With the official support of national authorities, PROMISE 2 provides partner countries with opportunities to turn their engagement into action and engage with others in the process.


The following activities are envisaged in Bulgaria:

  • Initial and final round table
  • Conducting a series of meetings to promote the Barnacus model, "National Dialogue"
  • Roadmap - lobbying and negotiating with stakeholders how Barnacus can be recognized in Bulgaria as a specialized service for children victims of violence
  • Building a Barnahs Implementation Framework
  • Conducting trainings for the employees of Zakrila Zone Services (the Bulgarian equivalent of Barnacus)
  • Conducting online trainings on various topics



PROMISE 2 is managed by the Children at Risk Unit at the Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States in close cooperation with the Children's Circle.


Project partners

Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic States, Coordinator

Institute for Social Activities and Practice, Bulgaria

Hope for children, Cyprus

Social Security Council, Estonia

National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland

World Childhood Foundation, Germany

Children's circle, Belgium

Szociális Szolgáltatók Közhasznú Egyesülete, Hungary, Western region

Terre des Hommes, Hungary

TUSLA, Ireland

Center Dardadze, Latvia

Empowering Children, Poland

Save the children, Romania



Expert support:

Barnahus Reykjavik, Iceland

Barnahus from Linköping and Stockholm, Sweden

National Police Directorate and Barnehus, Norway

Børnehus Sjælland, Denmark

MDCK, The Netherlands

Center for the Protection of Children and Young People in Zagreb, Croatia

Havens, Kings College Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, England


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